In a bid to promote healthcare awareness and foster essential knowledge among healthcare professionals, a community engagement talk organised by the GSU India Hub, attended by 40 paramedic trainees was held at the School for Skills in Allied Health Sciences, Sonarpur, Kolkata, India on October 31, 2023. 

The talk encompassed an array of crucial topics, including the awareness of surgical site infections (SSIs), wound care at home, recognizing the signs and symptoms of SSI, and the proper management of wound care in a home setting. Furthermore, it highlighted the significance of hand hygiene and the timely change of gloves during wound care procedures.

The interactive session provided a platform for the paramedic trainees to raise queries and concerns regarding the correct use of gloves while handling patients in both hospital and community settings. Questions such as the duration for which gloves can be worn and when to change gloves were addressed, ensuring that these future healthcare professionals are well-prepared to maintain rigorous hygiene standards.

Another event was previously held at the Christian Medical College & Hospital in Vellore on October 27, 2023, catering to 35 patients and their caregivers. The event aimed to create awareness about carcinogens in tobacco products and the importance of smoking cessation.

The talk, delivered in English, Tamil and Hindi, covered various aspects of smoking, including its effects, withdrawals, triggers, risk factors, addictive nature, and the toxic components ingested while smoking. Furthermore, it delved into methods to quit smoking and discussed challenges encountered during cessation, such as withdrawals and triggers.

The outcomes of the session were highly positive, with attendees gaining a deeper understanding of the adverse effects of smoking and the significance of quitting the habit. Many patients were previously unaware of carcinogenic smoking and cessation, highlighting the importance of such community engagement talks.